Research, analysis and evaluation

If you need to find out what’s really happening – and why it matters to the people and communities affected by your work – our research and data analysis can help.


We conduct person-centred research at scale, leading projects that focus on lived experience and cover communities, systems or geographical areas. We use qualitative methods to provide depth and insight, and quantitative methods for impact and breadth.

We ask questions and capture conversations and experiences, using a mix of methods such as interviews and surveys to help different people contribute, openly and honestly.

You may have existing data that requires analysis to identify emerging themes and patterns. We can work through both quantitative and qualitative data sources and report on the opportunities, needs and concerns revealed.

We document our results clearly and accurately in persuasive, professional reports that are appropriate for funders and corporate decision-makers. Our methods can help you to build a picture of the situation that is both accurate and has the important details and context.

And if you need the tools and methods to carry out participatory research for yourself, our training offer is on hand to help you develop them.


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